Csc Dishes

For our seasonal offerings, we selectively chose quality raw ingredients from local suppliers to bring fresh taste to our customers. For example, we offer spring bamboo shoot in March to bring our customers the freshness of spring, and Hot Pot Chicken (火鍋雞) in December to warm up the chilliness of winter. The following graph presents our seasonal dishes:

Everyday and Everywhere

To meet the everyday dining needs of customers from different age groups and to make CSC accessible from anywhere you are, we maintain a comprehensive portfolio of restaurant types, which comprise three main types of restaurants including commercial district type, office building type, and residential community type, covering consumers’ everyday lives. We also offer diversified dinning options at CSC, including combo meal (which typically comprise a main course, some appetizers and a soup or beverage), charging-by-weight (as opposed to charging by item) and small entrées (as opposed to full-size entrées). Leveraging our full-coverage approach, we target a full spectrum of consumers ranging from elementary school students to college graduates and from grandsons to grandparents. We are welcomed as a family friendly QSR brand by our customers. 

Delightful Dining Experience

We take great care to offer each customer a clean, bright, and friendly restaurant
environment that our customers could enjoy at ease. We design our restaurants to emphasize
efficiency in layout and functionality, maximize usable space, and follow safety requirements.
We believe customers who dine in our restaurants understand and appreciate our philosophy of
providing a delicious and affordable everyday dining option.
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